Thursday, December 5, 2013

Coffee, Please.....Before The Doctor!

      Yes, I am craving coffee this morning. ^_^ Thank you, Cindy!!...*she offered me a cyber cup earlier this morning. ^_^*...but unfortunately I don't have any home perked coffee in the house, and it appears that the 'fast-food' places are 'on strike' today...something about wages...So, coffee is out for me! I'll have to stick with my old faithful...a hot cup of green tea with honey and lemon...I'm already on it!! ^_^
      I have to get myself in the right state of mind for a blood draw, and a doctor's visit! O_O Everybody's schedules are kinda 'wishy-washy', so I'm on 'stand-by' as to exactly when it's gonna happen. It's suppose to be before the week is out, so today may be the day!...Ugh!
      Just so that all things in my head won't be panic and badness though, let me share some cool items on my 'smile list' from Etsy this morning. :-) ...

        Cute, right?! :-) ... And also on my smile list is a custom order for four boutonniere flower lapel pins that I'll start today...if my hand allows I mean. O_O I haven't even picked up a crochet hook for about three days now. But the four boutonnieres he ordered aren't colors I have available in the shop right now, or not, they have to be done!...O-U-C-H!!!
       Also smile-worthy is that I already have all of my studying done for the meeting tonight (Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses). :-) Now I'll be able to the hand...crochet...take a nap....crochet...etc..!! LOL Ahhhhh! The simple pleasures of my 'old-lady' life! ^_^
      Oh Yeah! O_O Simple.........until the blood has to be drawn!! *sigh!*

      Carry On, Y'all! ^_^ Don't mind me with my crazy angst-ridden issues!! LOL Have a good day! I have to go relax my fool self!!! :-) ♥

Ease, By Rhyme

To ease my mind,
I jot down a rhyme.

When forced to think,
my brain cells link.

With emotions on paper,
anxieties taper.

With the flow of my pen,
I'm  at peace again.

And to jot down this rhyme,
brought ease to my mind.

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